Alternate History Byzantine Empire


By Alternate History Hub A History Teacher Reacts. Thanks For Watching Real History Of Byzantine Empire । अरतुगरुल सीरियल में दिखाई जाने वाली सल्तनत क. An idea I'm currently formulating sees the Byzantine Empire as a reformed sort of republic fighting in the first world war. They control Greece, Bulgaria and around the southern half of the Balkans as well as the southern half of Italy they presumably took from Spain at some point in the 18-19th century, citing historical claim to Italy in the process.

Alternate History Byzantine Empire

  1. romans win the Battle of the Iron Bridge

    So yarmourk has been done to death , and damascus has been done but iron bridge has not , so this army consisted of the survivors of the syrian campaings reunited in the iron brige modern day Demirköprü this was in essence the last ditch attempt detials are not know but khalid and his mobile...
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    • byzantineempire heraclius muslim conquest rashidun caliphate
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    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  2. What if all five children of Emperor Theodore II of Nicaea were sons?

    IOTL Theodore II of Nicaea had four daughters and one son. The son, John IV, was among Theodore’s youngest. However what if John’s older sisters had been born boys instead? Would Michael Palaiologoi have been able to usury the throne against an adult Laskarid emperor following Theodore’s death?
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    • byzantineempire byzantium empire of nicaea laskaris nicaea palaiologos
    • Replies: 9
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  3. Byzantines conquer most (or all) of Spain?

    Let's say that the Gothic War is a lot shorter ITTL (say it lasts 'just' five years instead of almost twenty) so that, by the 550s, the Eastern Roman Empire's finances are in much better shape despite the plague. Because of this, they are considerably more successful in their invasion of...
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    • byzantineempirebyzantine wank eastern roman empire eastern roman empire wank gothic war justinian approves justinian i
    • Replies: 22
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  4. Third Bard's the Charm: A High Byzantine TL

    This is an idea I came up with this morning. It won't be replacing The Undying Empire, but it's something I'll be working on for the next bit and probably still after TUE comes back from hiatus. First update should be in a couple of hours, and the PoD is in 1026.
    • Word Count: 8.3k
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    • byzantineempire constantine viii komnenos macedonian dynasty phokas
    • Replies: 22
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  5. In a scenario where the byzantines are able to hold Syria and Egypt and repeal the arabs, can they hold the Exarchate of Africa?

    Can they hold the Exarchate of Africa because of the roman identity, or would it eventually break free from the empire?
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    • arabs byzantinebyzantineempirebyzantines carthage exarchate of africa middle ages north africa roman empire romans
    • Replies: 18
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  6. Middle Roman Empire

    Let's suppose that Roman Emperor Theodosius I, had a third son named Liberius.So, after his death in 395 A.D. the Empire splits in three.Arcadius takes the East as in OTL, Honorius takes the West with Cenabum as capital, and Liberius takes the middle one hailing from Ravenna..How things...
    • Thread
    • byzantineempire eastern roman empire fall of the roman empire migration period roman empire theodosius western roman empire
    • Replies: 25
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  7. A New Millennium

    1000-1030 AD----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is my own TL starting at the turn of the 2nd Millennium...
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    • 1000 ad before 1900 britain byzantineempire denmark france holy roman empire ireland normans
    • Replies: 22
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  8. From the Ashes, the Purple Phoenix rises once more.

    -What do you think of the city? - I asked-It looks awesome! There’s so much here! That “forum” has so many statues, all of them so big! - he replied, extending his hands trying to show the size with them. I giggled. -It was an emperor named Constans who built this right? -No, he was...
    • Word Count: 2.6k
    • Thread
    • byzantineempirebyzantine italy byzantine restoratation byzantine revival macedonian dynasty
    • Replies: 6
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  9. Byzantine Survival With the Least Butterflies?

    As the title states, is it possible for a Byzantine or Byzantine successor state to persist in some form to at least the 20th century with as few effects on history as possible?Really the only way I can think of with as few changes to history as possible is if Demetrios Palaiologos accepts...
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    • byzantineempire ottoman empire
    • Replies: 30
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  10. WI: Greco-Turkish ERE

    Could the Turks and Greeks unite and reform the ERE after the 4th crusade? By that I mean a state in which the majority of people are either Turkish, Greek or a mix of both (all these groups living mostly peacefully with each other) conquers Constantinople and revives the Roman Empire. The...
    • Thread
    • 4th crusade byzantineempire eastern roman empire greek turkish
    • Replies: 18
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  11. Alexios kommenos takes power earlier

    I had this though and few discussion1) you can have isaac kommenos step down in 1059 and have Alexios father accept the throne and then have it be given to Alexios in 1067 ( saving the empire from Constantine X and his 'infinite wisdom '2) have him be more popular or prominent after...
    • Thread
    • 11th century alexios komnenos byzantineempire seljuk sultanate
    • Replies: 7
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  12. WI: No Battle of Pliska

    The Battle of Pliska was a humiliating defeat for the Byzantine Empire. A demoralized and unprepared Byzantine army was trapped and crushed by the Bulgar Khan Krum. To add insult to injury, Krum had the Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros' skull turned into a drinking cup.However, it didn't have to...
    • Thread
    • battle of pliska bulgar bulgars byzantineempirebyzantine–bulgarian wars first bulgarian empire krum nikephoros i staurakios
    • Replies: 0
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  13. AHC: Khazar Khaganate outlasts Byzantine Empire

    Your challenge is to have the Khazar Khaganate last longer than the Byzantine Empire. Bonus points if it's still around by 1500.
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    • ahc alternate history challenge byzantineempire byzantium khazar khazar khaganate khazars
    • Replies: 6
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  14. Harun al-Rashid dies in the invasion of anatolia( 782)

    This an interesting pod I have not seenHarun al-Rashid invaded Anatolia in 782 . With great success , how ever he pushes to far and his position was precarious, as the defeat of al-Rabi threatened his lines of communicationsSo Harun turned his army back,but during his march along the...
    • Thread
    • abbasid caliphate byzantineempire
    • Replies: 1
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  15. What if Rum was the Ottoman Empire of this world?

    In an alternate universe after 1,000 years of life, the flag of Rum waves victoriously over Constantinople. Rum, once a small sultanate in southern Anatolia, has grown to dominate the region. now the question is, what's next for rum? who will they invade next? will they stray from their Greek...
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    • #sultanateofrum anatolia byzantineempire medieval ottoman
    • Replies: 3
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  16. No Islam TL

    I am making a TL where Islam does not exist. Tell me what you think.So Mohammed converts to Christianity before he invents Islam. He converts many Arabs to Christianity and is canonized after his death as the Apostle to Arabia.Without the Arab invasions, Byzantium and Persia slowly recover...
    • Thread
    • byzantineempire frankish empire medieval medieval europe no islam
    • Replies: 40
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  17. Which timeline should I write?

    Hello, allA few days ago, I ended my most recent timeline (Byzantium's Resurrection) due to a number of critical research failures that I had made in its production. Don't use Wikipedia as your main source, fyi. That's left me without an outlet for my creative energies, and I'd like to get...
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    • byzantineempire timeline development timeline help
    • Replies: 11
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  18. Justinian II Triumphant

    Inspired by the Constans II triumphant thread.What if Justinian II had succeeded in his known plans? Or, rather, what POD would allow for him to have the most success as a ruler? What would be the consequences of this?I want to avoid wank, however. What's the best case scenario?
    • Thread
    • arab conquests byzantineempire justinian ii
    • Replies: 18
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  19. WI: Surviving Vandal Kingdom?

    The vandal kingdom is a rather intriguing part of history to me. An Arian Christian state in north Africa, centered around Rome's old enemy city of Carthage, it met its end due to a loss to then-Christian Berbers that prompted a revolt against religious freedom being given to Trinitarians and...
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    • arian christianity berbers byzantineempire christianity islam vandal kingdom vandals
    • Replies: 23
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900
  20. WI: Pecheneg Victory at Levounion 1091 /Tzachas Islamic Roman Empire

    Tzachas Bey a Turkic Muslim hellenophile warlord having for ambition to become Roman emperor and take Constantinople for this purpose he built a fleet wich woul achieve some success and allied the Pecheneg a at least partially Muslim Turkish tribe wich...
    • Thread
    • alexios komnenos byzantineempire eastern roman empire islam islamic hellenistic empire islamic roman empire komnenian restoration pechenegs turkic tzachas
    • Replies: 34
    • Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900