Passive To Active Voice Converter

What Is a Passive to Active Voice Translator? An online tool to detect passive voice sentences and suggest the desired corrections in a piece of writing automatically with the help of predefined software-based linguistic algorithms and grammatical rules is known as a passive voice converter. With passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. It makes for a murky, roundabout sentence; you can be more straightforward with active voice. As such, there are many ways to change the passive voice to the active voice in your sentences. Over time, writing in the active voice will become second nature. Changing passive verbs into active verbs is probably the best-kept secret of professional writers and editors. If you use active verbs whenever possible in your writing, you'll change your style from dull, impersonal and long-winded to vigorous, interesting and readable. Passive Voice Checker. Passive voice can lower readability, which is crucial to effective SEO! Check for passive voice in your text using our free Passive Voice Checker! Turn into the active voice.1)A novel is being read by Mary = Mary a novel.2)A stone was being thrown by the kid = The kid a stone.3)A car has been bought by him = He a car.4)The door had been knocked at by someone = Someone the door.5)Yam is eaten by people in my country = People.

The Active-Passive voice in the English language can be described as the most common way of expressing an action performed by a subject in relation to its object.

Active voice

In active sentences, the person/thing who is doing the action is considered the subject of the sentence and the person/thing who is receiving the action is considered the object of the sentence.

From Passive To Active Voice Converter

For example: The professor teaches the students.

In the above sentence,

Subject- The professor

Verb- Teaches

Object- the students

Passive voice

In passive sentences, the person/thing who is receiving the action, which is ideally the object of the sentence is placed at the beginning, and the person/thing who is doing the action, which is ideally the subject in the sentence is placed at the end of the sentence.

For example: The students are taught by the teacher.

Object- The students (receiving the action)

Verb- are taught (past form of the verb)

Subject- the teacher (performing the action)

Rules for conversion

While converting a sentence which is in its active voice to its passive voice, the passive sentence, hence formed will face the following changes-

  1. The subject and object will be interchanged– It must be noted that in passive sentences, the subject and the object in passive voice are interchanged. The object (in normal sentences) becomes the subject in passive sentences, and the subject (in a normal sentence) becomes the object in active sentences.
  1. The preposition ‘by’ is used before the object– The object in a passive sentence will always be preceded by the preposition ‘by’. This is because the object in such sentences explains that the action is being performed by somebody
  1. The verb is changed to past participle (3rd form of the verb)- All the sentences in the passive voice witness a change in their tenses. As a rule, all the passive sentences are framed in the past tense. The verbs in these sentences, is thus conjugated in the past participle tense
  1. A new helping verb is added to the past particle form of the verb– The main verb in a passive sentence remains the same; however, since the object and the subject in the sentence interchange, there is need of a helping verb in the sentence

Changing Imperative sentences

Sentences which express request, order, advice, suggestion, prohibition etc. are calledImperative sentences.

For negative sentences in the English language, the imperative sentences in their passive voice have the following structure:

Let + object + be + past participle.

For example :

Active Voice: Bring it home.
Passive Voice: Let it be brought home.

Passive To Active Voice Converter

For positive sentences in the English language, (when the active voice begins with do not) the sentences in their passive voice will have the following structure:

Let not + object + be + past participle

For Example:

Active Voice: Do not beatthe dog.
Passive Voice: Let the dog not be beaten.

In order to be able to use the active and passive voice in your written and spoken conversation, you should be able to understand the tenses and their relation with verbs. Sentence formation is one of the most important topics in the English grammar and it comes only when you can maintain the subject-verb agreement in a sentence.

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Get rid of spelling issues

Passive To Active Voice Converter Online Tool

Fix your grammatical errors
Eliminate punctuation issues
Make your text shine!

The demand for the tools to change passive voice to active and vice versa is continuously increasing significantly in the marketplace nowadays. This increased demand creates desired healthy competition and value for writers in all domains of writings worldwide.

Let’s explore the reasons for increased demand for the software to change passive voice to active voice and mention a list of top 10 popular websites to check for passive voice conversion.

Why Active to Passive Voice Converter App Is In-Demand Among Writers?

Active to passive voice conversion is a daunting task for all types of writers and students, especially those who use English as a foreign language (EFL). It costs substantial money and time for hiring grammar checkers that will catch passive voice mistakes professionally. In such circumstances, an online, free app for fixing passive and active voice misuses comes as a survivor for the writers.

The main reasons for an app to remove passive voice mistakes being in great demand in a wide range of writers and students are listed below:

  • Active voice changer is open-source and free to use for all
  • An online tool is always up and available round the clock
  • It is instant to use and get the desired results
  • Finds and fix all types of issues related to voices
  • Helps to find additional grammatical issues in the text
  • An online app to detect passive voice in text saves time and efforts
  • Helps detect and fix spelling and punctuation issues
  • Finds any kinds of plagiarism in the text to make it unique
  • Offers learning options on how to fix passive voice through corrective suggestions
  • Helps you develop the right tone of the writing to achieve the desire objectives of writing

Wide range of editing tools to find passive voice are available online. Let’s figure out the top 10 out of those online converters here.

Grammarly is a very popular online website that changes passive voice to active and offers many other additional error-finding capabilities.

Top features:

  • Very simple and easy interface
  • Real-time error detection
  • Supports extensions for browsers and editors
  • Supports numerous settings such as tones, styles, moods, etc.
  • Powered by artificial intelligence

Ginger is another online, free app that checks for passive voice, which is very popular among writers of all domains worldwide.

  • Supports sentence rephrasing
  • Online personalized dictionary
  • Offers translation feature
  • Grammar checking

Hemingway app is one of the popular grammar-error checking online tools. The writers use this website to reformat passive voice sentences into active and to check grammatical mistakes.

  • Highly simple and intuitive interface to use
  • Uses colored highlighting features for different types of mistakes
  • Allows direct writing as well as publishing capabilities
  • Offers text grading feature
  • Count of the words in the text

WhiteSmoke online active to passive voice tool is very popular with students and other writers. It uses numerous cutting-edge technologies adopted in modern linguistic education.

  • Powered by natural language processing NLP and AI algorithms
  • Supports dictionaries for multiple languages
  • Supports translation capability
  • Offers numerous themes and designs
  • Available in multiple versions like mobile, desktop, web-based

Passive To Active Voice Generator

Google Docs has become a big brand in recent days due to numerous features and capabilities of this online editor and active-passive voice checker tool. It offers document correction along with large storage to keep the documents online.

Passive To Active Voice Converter

Top features:

  • Cross-platform support
  • Available for free to use
  • Offers efficient grammar checking
  • Supports translation options
  • Powered by numerous cloud-based products offered by Google
  • Powerful thesaurus and dictionary options

An efficient tool powered by the software giant Microsoft Corporation. This editor is powered by numerous allied tools offered by the mother company.

  • Supports numerous popular software such as MS Word, Microsoft browsers, and Outlook
  • Offers numerous grammatical correction options
  • Spelling and punctuation corrections
  • Powered by artificial intelligence technologies
  • Supports vocabulary enhancement options

It is another important tool for writers to check and fix grammar, spelling, and active-passive voice mistakes in papers. It is powered by the latest technologies too.

  • Compatible with multiple platforms like desktop, mobile, and others
  • Integrated capabilities to check spelling, grammar mistakes, and punctuation issues
  • Supports extensions for browsers and editors
  • Automated error correction options

This is one of the most popular online tools available in the marketplace. It is an open-source and free software powered by the latest technologies and additional features.

  • Support two types of checking standard and deep checking
  • Detects numerous types of errors such as grammatical, punctuation, and spelling
  • Support cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies
  • Real-time editing options
  • Simple and easy to use interface
  • Supports direct and copy/paste input of the text

This is another open-source comprehensive error-correction tool very popular among a wide range of articles. This tool offers standard services for normal, premium, and business users.

  • Supports online browser-based access as well as through API options
  • Corrects grammatical, spelling, and punctuation mistakes simultaneously
  • Powered by NLP and AI technologies
  • Multi-linguistic support
  • Supports offline version too

It is one of the rich-featured online active to passive voice checker tools. It supports numerous functions related to errors in the text.

  • Professional-level grammar mistake checking
  • Supports plagiarism detection
  • Paper rating capability
  • Real-time error detection
  • Wiring guidelines

What to Consider While Choosing Active Voice Analysis Tools?

You need to consider the following points while choosing the right online active to passive voice analyzer tool:

  • Should detect all issues related to voices
  • Be capable of detecting spelling and punctuation
  • Must have integrated artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities
  • Should be easy, intuitive, and simple to use
  • Be capable of detecting plagiarism in the text
  • Should catch run-on sentences and poor verbs
  • Features to detect unmatching word choices
  • Offers comprehensive guidance for corrective suggestions
  • Should be useful for all types of writers
  • Should comply with the standard referencing styles
  • The options for online dictionary and large thesaurus are a must
  • Should have higher availability and faster speed

If you are looking for a great active to passive sentence converter software, try our voice converter online tool to fix the voice-related mistakes in your paper!