Blood On The Tracks New York Sessions Rar File

Before Your License is Suspended

The album was recorded in July 1973 at Madison Square Garden in New York City and the new version released on September 7, 2018 as a Super Deluxe Boxed Set, CD, Vinyl and Digital Versions, plus the full album’s debut release in Hi-Res 5.1 surround sound on blu-ray. Order your copy now. When you search for files (video, music, software, documents etc), you will always find high-quality blood on the tracks new york sessions blogspot files recently uploaded on DownloadJoy or other most popular shared hosts. If search results are not what you looking for please give us feedback on where we can/or should improve.

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Drunk driving, formally called driving while intoxicated (DWI) in New York, is a serious crime. NY will suspend your license, impose expensive fines, and even put you in jail if you drink and drive.

New York DWI Defined

Blood On The Tracks New York Sessions. Via, the violinist in the, Springsteen hooked up with a group of lesser-known musicians from and, and they recorded in an informal, large band setting in Springsteen's Colts Neck, New Jersey farm. In addition to Tyrell, previous Springsteen associates as well as wife augmented the proceedings. Blood On The Tracks New York Sessions Rar. Home; Blood On The Tracks New York Sessions Rar. Admin 11/4/2017. Felix January 26th, 2016 at 6:25 am. Read/Listen to Aquarium Drunkard‘s piece: “Bob Dylan: Blood On The Tracks – The New York Sessions”. January 29th, 2016 at 5:44 am. I disagree with the author, I much prefer the. Venue and date: Calderone Hall, New York, NY, USA, 7th July 1980. Audio source and quality: FM broadcast, very good to excellent quality. Some distortion in the first few songs and the usual limitations of a cassette tape, but overall a very good record. Originally broadcast on the New York-based WLIR radio station.

To determine whether you're legally driving while intoxicated, the state uses your blood alcohol concentration, or BAC.

Law enforcement will charge you with DWI if your BAC is:

  • 0.08% and you're 21 years old or older.
  • 0.04% and you're driving a commercial motor vehicle.
  • 0.02% and you're younger than 21 years old.

Additional Drug and Alcohol Crimes

DWI is just one charge associated with driving under the influence.

Depending on your BAC and other factors, you could face:

  • DWAI/Alcohol: The name for Driving While Ability Impaired specifically by alcohol.
  • DWAI/Drugs: The specific name for Driving While Ability Impaired by a drug other than alcohol.
  • DWAI/Combination: The specific name for Driving While Ability Impaired by both alcohol and other drugs.
  • Aggravated DWI (A-DWI): Being charged with aggravated driving by having a 0.18% BAC or higher.

Penalties for these additional drug and alcohol crimes vary, as do those for other related crimes, like chemical test refusal and breaking the Zero Tolerance Law.

Understand Your DWI Penalties

Your DWI penalties depend on factors like:

  • Your age.
  • The substance impairing you (alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both).
  • Your driver's license (regular passenger license vs. a special license like a CDL).
  • Whether you submitted to a chemical test.

DWI Penalties: Younger Than 21

If you're younger than 21 years old and you're caught driving with a BAC of 0.02% or higher, you've broken NY's Zero Tolerance Law.

1st Offense

  • Suspended license for 6 months.
  • $125 civil penalty.
  • $100 fee for suspension termination.
  • Possible enrollment in the New York Drinking Driver Program (DDP) and all the associated costs (see below).
  • Possible ignition interlock device installation, and all associated costs (see below).

2nd Offense

  • License revocation for 1 year (or until you turn 21 years old).
  • $125 civil penalty.
  • $100 fee for suspension termination.
  • Possible enrollment in the New York Drinking Driver Program (DDP) and all the associated costs (see below).
  • Possible ignition interlock device installation, and all associated costs (see below).

Please see “Chemical Test Refusal' below to find out how NY handles drivers younger than 21 years old who refuse the chemical test.

DWI Penalties: 21 and Older


1st Offense

  • License suspension for 90 days.
  • A $300 - $500 fine.
  • A minimum $250 annual assessment fine, for a total of $750 in fines over 3 years. This is part of the state's Driver Responsibility Program.
  • Up to 15 days in jail.
  • Possible enrollment in the New York Drinking Driver Program (DDP) and all the associated costs (see below).

2nd Offense

If you get a second DWAI/Alcohol charge in 5 years, you face:

  • License revocation for at least 6 months.
  • A $500 - $750 fine.
  • A minimum $250 annual assessment fine, for a total of $750 in fines over 3 years. This is part of the state's Driver Responsibility Program.
  • Up to 30 days in jail.
  • Possible enrollment in the New York Drinking Driver Program (DDP) and all the associated costs (see below).

DWI and DWAI/Drugs

DWI and DWAI/Drugs carry the same penalties.

1st Offense

  • DWI: License revocation for 6 months.
  • DWAI: License suspension for 6 months.
  • A $500 - $1,000 fine.
  • A minimum $250 annual assessment fine, for a total of $750 in fines over 3 years. This is part of the state's Driver Responsibility Program.
  • Up to 1 year in jail.
  • Possible enrollment in the New York Drinking Driver Program (DDP) and all the associated costs (see below).

2nd Offense

You face these penalties if you commit another DWI or DWAI/Drugs offense within 10 years of the first violation:

  • License revocation for at least 1 year.
  • A $1,000 - $5,000 fine.
  • A minimum $250 annual assessment fine, for a total of $750 in fines over 3 years. This is part of the state's Driver Responsibility Program.
  • Up to 4 years in jail, with a minimum of 5 days in jail or 30 days of community service.
  • A Class E felony.
  • Possible enrollment in the New York Drinking Driver Program (DDP) and all the associated costs (see below).


DWAI/Combination means you were driving under the influence of both alcohol and drugs.

1st Offense

  • License revocation for at least 6 months.
  • A $500 - $1,000 fine.
  • A minimum $250 annual assessment fine, for a total of $750 in fines over 3 years. This is part of the state's Driver Responsibility Program.
  • Up to 1 year in jail.
  • Possible enrollment in the New York Drinking Driver Program (DDP) and all the associated costs (see below).

2nd Offense

A second offense DWAI/Combination is when you are charged again within 10 years of the last conviction.

  • License revocation for at least 1 year (18 months).
  • A $1,000 - $5,000 fine.
  • A minimum $250 annual assessment fine, for a total of $750 in fines over 3 years. This is part of the state's Driver Responsibility Program.
  • Up to 4 years in jail.
  • Class E Felony.
  • Possible enrollment in the New York Drinking Driver Program (DDP) and all the associated costs (see below).

Aggravated DWI

If your BAC is 0.18% or higher, you'll get an Aggravated DWI―or A-DWI.

1st Offense

  • License revocation for at least 1 year.
  • A $1,000 - $2,500 fine.
  • A minimum $250 annual assessment fine, for a total of $750 in fines over 3 years. This is part of the state's Driver Responsibility Program.
  • Up to 1 year in jail.
  • Possible enrollment in the New York Drinking Driver Program (DDP) and all the associated costs (see below).

2nd Offense

A second offense in 10 years brings:

  • License revocation for at least 18 months.
  • A $1,000 to $5,000 fine.
  • A minimum $250 annual assessment fine, for a total of $750 in fines over 3 years. This is part of the state's Driver Responsibility Program.
  • Up to 4 years in jail.
  • A Class E Felony.
  • Possible enrollment in the New York Drinking Driver Program (DDP) and all the associated costs (see below).

Commercial Drivers

CDL holders cannot legally operate commercial vehicles with a BAC of 0.04% or higher. Doing so brings much more severe penalties than those that regular passenger drivers experience―fines are higher and permanent license revocation is swifter.

Generally, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) handles all regulations and penalties associated with commercial vehicle drivers throughout the country.

Other DWI Penalties

Chemical Test Refusal Penalties

Per NY's Implied Consent Law, you give your consent to have your blood, breath, urine, or saliva tested for alcohol or drugs if an officer stops you.

NOTE: In addition to the fines and other penalties listed below, anyone convicted of refusing a chemical test must also pay a minimum $250 annual assessment fine for 3 years as part of the state's Driver Responsibility Program.

1st Offense

  • License revocation for at least 1 year (18 months for commercial drivers).
  • $500 civil penalty ($550 civil penalty for commercial drivers). You must pay this before you can reapply for your license.

2nd Offense

Refusing a chemical test within 5 years of a previous chemical test refusal or another DWI-related charge constitutes a second offense and carries the following penalties:

  • $750 civil penalty.
  • License revocation for at least 18 months (permanent CDL revocation).

Zero Tolerance Chemical Test Refusal

If you are younger than 21 years old and you violate the Zero tolerance law by refusing a chemical test, you face the following consequences:

1st offense:

  • $300 civil penalty.
  • $100 to reapply for your license.
  • License revocation for at least 1 year.

2nd offense:

  • $750 civil penalty.
  • $100 fee to reapply for your license.
  • License revocation for at least 1 year.

NOTE: These penalties also apply to subsequent offenses.

Ignition Interlock Device

Your judge might order you to use an ignition interlock device (IID) as part of a probation and maybe to make you eligible for a conditional license.

Generally, NY requires drivers to purchase and install their own IIDs. Drivers also are responsible for any costs related to the monthly fee, switching the IID to another vehicle, and uninstalling the IID.

NY's Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) handles all the nuts and bolts. For more information, visit the Division's Ignition Interlock section or contact the DCJS at (518) 457-5837 or (800) 262-3257.

Enrolling in the Drinking Driver Program

New York's Drinking Driver Program (DDP) is the state's DWI program. It's a DWI-specific school that consists of weekly classroom sessions and the following enrollment fees:

Blood On The Tracks New York Sessions Rar File

  • $75 fee, made payable to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
  • Up to $234 in additional fees, made payable to the DDP program you attend and due on the first day of class.

Certain situations, such as switching to another DWI school or dropping out and re-entering the program, lead to additional costs.

Your judge and the DMV provide DDP information specific to your case. This is information you'll find out in court, and having a DWI attorney on your side is beneficial.

SR 22: Car Insurance and Proof of Financial Responsibility

Unlike some other states, New York doesn't require drivers with DWI convictions to file an SR 22, the financial responsibility certificate that shows you're carrying the state's required minimum liability insurance. However, that doesn't mean you're exactly off the hook.

DWI convictions are red flags to car insurance companies, and most charge higher rates once you have a DWI conviction on your driving history.

When it's time to renew your liability coverage, check with your agent and find out if you'll experience a rate increase. If so, you might find lower rates if you compare other insurance companies.

When to Hire a DWI Attorney

Most people end up in court after a DWI charge. Whether you plan to plead innocent or admit guilt, your best bet is to hire a DWI attorney―especially if your charge involves another serious crime such as:

  • Aggravated DWAI.
  • Vehicular homicide or manslaughter.

As you search for an attorney, keep these tips in mind:

  • Choose an attorney based in New York, so he or she will be familiar with the state's laws.
  • Make sure your attorney specializes in DWI cases. DWI attorneys are experts on the state's DWI laws.
  • Ask the lawyer for information on past DWI cases they've had, and find out how they think your case compares to others―especially in terms of possible outcomes.

Applying for a Conditional License

All DWI offenses can leave you with a suspended license―but some drivers are eligible for temporary driving permits, called conditional licenses, which sometimes require IIDs.

Typically, you can get a conditional license if:

  • This is your first DWI or DWAI conviction.
  • You enroll in the Drinking Driver Program.

While the DMV determines whether you're eligible for a conditional license, your judge can stop you from applying for one.

Reinstate Your NY Driver's License

If you're eligible for reinstatement (i.e. the DMV and court haven't decided to permanently revoke your driving privileges), you must:

  • Pay all applicable fines.
  • Complete any jail time.
  • Successfully complete the Drinking Driver Program, if ordered, as well as any ordered alcohol or drug treatment programs.
  • Keep your ignition interlock device for the ordered amount of time, if applicable.
  • Finish your suspension or revocation period.
  • Pay the suspension termination fee, if ordered.

For more details specific to your case, contact the DMV or the court handling your case.


Take it from a guy with more Bob Boots than he has storage space: 1. Genuine Basement Tapes Vols. 1-5 (Basement tapes, 1967) 2. Genuine Live 1966 (8 discs, all 1966 soundboards, Australia and UK) 3. Philips Arena, Atlanta, 2 discs, Love and Theft era 4.

Forever Young, Dylan and the Band reunion tour, 1974, NY, 2 discs 5. Through a Bullet of Light, Whitmark Demos, 2 discs (early 1960s outtakes) 6. Highway 61 Revisited Again (acetates of Highway 61 Revisited-diff versions) 7. Thin Wild Mercury Music-mid-60s electric outtakes 8. From Newport to the Ancient Empty Street in LA (Newport Folk Festival, 1964-1965 and Hollywood Bowl, Sept. 3, 1965, both classic soundboards, 2 discs) 9.

Blood on the Tapes-Blood on the Tracks outtakes 10. North Stage-Dylan and band, 1994, Woodstock II. I can't believe no one has mentioned a show from the Rolling Thunder Review. You simply can't go wrong with Dylan live in New Orleans 1976. SBD methinks. Great version of 'Idiot Wind' My next pick is that SBD quality disc of live stuff with the Dead from the 1984 tour 'Men of Peace'. Probably my favourite version of 'Tangled up in Blue' with Jerry Garcia's guitar sounding like a huge yacht at the beginning.

You can tell Jerry's taking that Cadillac to be parked in the best spot in the house. It's almost like being in church. Of course, the Isle of Wight show from 1969 with the Band. I LOVE that one! I love the mellow version of 'Wild Mountain Thyme' that Dylan strums easily with newfound Nashville Skyline voice. Charles Baudelaire 1821-1867.

Charles Wrote: - You simply can't go wrong with Dylan live in New Orleans 1976. My next pick is that SBD quality disc of live stuff with the Dead from the 1984 tour 'Men of Peace'. Of course, the Isle of Wight show from 1969 with the Band. I LOVE that one! All the boots there are good, I agree, yet I wouldn't mentioned them among the 30 best Dylan boots.

Blood On The Tracks New York Sessions Blogspot

I don't mean at all thet one of us is 'correct', it just goes to show that there's so many, and so different, Dylan-concerts on bootleg. (BTW, the Dead-show is from 87.) Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-09-21 04:00 by ErikSnow. A word of advice for the Dylan sites: The overwhelming majority of DL's are with RapidShare. You'll find there's lots and lots of stuff you'll want Dylan wise, so it will be worth your while to purchase a premium account with RapidShare.

Then, you can DL a number of files without the time constraint of the free DL. RapidShare is also used at a large number of other fan sites and music blogs.

Believe me, once you've downloaded a half dozen or dozen shows/albums from RapidShare in one night, you'll have covered the cost of a premium account in terms of what the disks/albums cost on the open market. And, no, I don't own stock in RapidShare - I just got frustrated as can be with the time constraint thing.

Description Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the subreddit of the poet laureate of rock 'n' roll. The voice of the promise of the '60s counter-culture. The guy who forced folk into bed with rock. Who donned make-up in the '70s and disappeared into a haze of substance abuse. Who emerged to find Jesus. Who was written off as a has-been by the end of the '80s and who suddenly shifted gears, releasing some of the strongest music of his career beginning in the late '90s. Ladies and gentlemen — Columbia recording artist Bob Dylan!

AMAs, author of the book 'Another Side of Bob Dylan', a book about Jacob's relationship to his father, Victor Maymudes that was once Bob Dylan's tour manager and friend, and Victor's relationship to Bob Dylan. Son of Jacques Levy, lyricist, director, Bob Dylan's songwriting collaborator on the 1976 album Desire, and director of the Rolling Thunder Review. Links - With your host, Bob Dylan - A streaming webcast that plays nothing but music by, or inspired by, or related to Bob Dylan - A well-rounded Dylan fansite - A guide to Dylan bootlegs - A comprehensive Dylan chord archive. A Dylan picture archive. Some of it could just be what I am used to. If I had either of those versions embedded in my DNA like the original, I might just say the opposite. The thing that kills me is that Dylan can just make up alternate lyrics seemingly on the fly.

Bob Dylan Blood On The Tracks New York Sessions Rar

And the lyrics are as awesome as the ones that you've memorized. Missed 'from the Grand Coulee Dam to the Capital' on one of the cuts. Also, on the first released cut I preferred how he drawled out the 'slowly' on the the 'spring time turned slowly to autumn'.

Blood On The Tracks New York Sessions Rar

It's all good. It's a 'reason vs. Heart' thing for me. Looking at it objectively, I agree: as an album, the released version is better than the test pressing.

Having said that, I personally listen to the New York versions far more than the released album: Dylan is more out in the open, an openness that makes BOTT what it is, and on some songs (notably Idiot Wind) I prefer the New York lyrics. But I do understand that the full 'open E' album can grow a bit static musically and come across as glumly and depressingly as a Leonard Cohen record. But I do understand that the full 'open E' album can grow a bit static musically and come across as glumly and depressingly as a Leonard Cohen record. LOL As far as the sessions themselves, one of the most important bootlegs of his to pick up IMO.

Blood On The Tracks New York Sessions Rar Files

And I tend to agree that a case can be made for either version in almost every song. I like most of the released versions better, especially something like Tangled, but on the Idiot Wind outtake (and the bootleg series cut) there is a tenderness that doesn't come through on the album cut. Not to say it is 'better' but just different in mood. Hopefully this clears any confusion.