Theatre Lighting Design Software Free

SoftPlot is a CAD application specifically for lighting. Plot lighting, manage paperwork for all levels of entertainment from theatre to film to TV and is great for students and professionals! SoftPlot is a graphical design tool that makes it easy to drag-and-drop lighting fixtures, trusses, and other elements on the design surface.

Create your Tech Rider online, fast and free

  1. Designed for the needs of creative lighting designers, Lightkey breaks free from the old thinking about DMX values and channels. Thru advanced fixture profiles it understands all your fixtures’ properties—like Color, Gobo, Shutter, Prism, Zoom—, and provides specially-designed, easy-to.
  2. LXFree is, as its name implies, totally free to use for non-commercial purposes! Here's why: The goal of the LX Series is to make great and low cost software tools available to lighting designers. Giving away the basic application builds a strong foundation for meeting this goal. LXFree is available as a native application on Mac OS X.
  3. The Open Lighting Project's goal is to provide high quality, open source lighting control software for the entertainment lighting industry. Keep me informed Introducing the Number1; Open Source DMX512 / RDM hardware.
  4. As far as I know there is no underground free light design software out there. But why would you want it? Go get your student version of Vectorworks and start learning to use what the pros use now for free. Give them a call. Here's the contact info page.

When you're playing in a band, you want everything to be perfect. You want to look good, sound good and have a day that's easy with no technical problems. Many bands don't realize that they can make this process so much easier by generating a Stage Plot online. Tech Riders are essential for every band and enable everybody to have a much easier show experience. On your Stage Plot you can show where each member of the band and each instrument will be positioned on stage, including the locations of the mics, amplifiers, monitors and possibly the cable positions. The key is to create a clear but specific Tech Rider, so everything is set up accordingly and everything is prepared for you, get it right and you will find your checks will go smoothly with very little hassle. A good Stage Plot will save you a lot of stress in the long run.


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Stage Plot

What is a Stage Plot?
A Stage Plot (or technical rider) is a document that details exactly what your band needs to make a show fantastic. It details the equipment and instruments of every band member, the input you will need from the venues that you're playing and how you want your stage to look and sound.

What Can You Include on a Tech Rider?
If you're a small band and you don't have much equipment or instruments with you, your Stage Plot will most likely mainly cover the gear that you're using onstage. As your band grows, your Tech Rider will start to include any FOH consoles that you bring with you, the lighting rigs you're touring with and any pyrotechnics that you have onstage. A Stage Plot is constantly updated as you continue touring and continue growing as a band.

How Do You Create a Stage Plot?
You can search for bands who have a similar sound to yours, as they will more than likely have a similar Tech Rider to the one that you'll need. When you don't have a good idea of what you need to include on your Tech Rider, then make a list of the equipment you have for your band and the make and model that this equipment is. When you've done this, you can use an online Stage Plot generator to create your full Tech Rider online.

What Do You Do With a Stage Plot?
Once you've created your Tech Rider, you can send it out to all venues that you will be playing in advance of you doing your shows there. They will know exactly what equipment to expect from you and your day will run a lot more smoothly. You'll soon see what a difference sending this Tech Rider out to venues in advance makes to the quality of your live show!

Don’t forget your name and contact details. Preferably you want to have someone as your technical contact, it can be any members of the band who have the best knowledge and set up experience.

Hospitality Rider

First off let us just explain that a rider is a set of requests and criteria made by the performer prior to the performance. Everyone has a Hospitality Rider and everyone uses them, from Adele performing in concert to Hugh Jackman performing in theatre.

What is a Hospitality Rider?
A Hospitality Rider is just as it sounds, a set of requests to welcome the performer and make them feel at home. They can also be contractual, so if the needs of the rider aren't met the performer has the right to cancel the performance and the fees be paid regardless.

What sort of requests are in a Hospitality Rider?
Within reason anything can be written in the rider, from the hotel they stay in to the food they eat and the furniture they sit on. The bigger the name, the more demands you can get away with it seems.

The hotel - In some riders a price for accommodation is specified and sometimes a location.

Food and drink - Most performers stipulate a certain set of beverages, maybe part of their routine is to have a nice cold drink before or after the performance and it has to be a particular brand. Food is also a popular request, some request they must have fruit in their room or strictly forbid deep fried foods. Vicious Cycle for example stipulated a hot meal for the artists and crew but no fried food.

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Transportation - Do you need a car to and from a show or to take you to somewhere after a show? Of course you do.

The majority of the Hospitality Rider are requests made for comfort and to help the performer relax but there are times where the big names become 'divas' and demand outrageous requests and god help the organisers if these demands aren't met.


Cats and owls are able to see in the dark and are able to thrive without much need for light. Us humans, on the other hand, aren’t equipped with such convenient abilities. Instead, we are gifted with the ability to think about, design and invent our own sources of light.


To do such things, we need the help of a few tools that will allow us to utilize this ability to its utmost potential. We need to know where to place these lights we create and how to power them. With the use of the software below and an electrical plan software, you can do the same.

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Lighting Reality PRO

Light the Way

Knowing where to place your lights is a key method too help economize electricity and resources. Knowing how much light, as well, is important to achieve the right, comfortable atmosphere that people can be productive in. Too much light, though, is detrimental and here are the reasons why.

  • More Light, More Heat. Less Light, Less Heat
    Light and heat come hand-in-hand. It’s no shocker then that placing more lights will increase the room’s temperature without a shadow of a doubt.
  • Light Up Your Bill
    Of course having more lights will make your electric bill shoot up, there’s just no way around it; after all, what will you use to power your lights if not electricity?
  • A Blinding Flash
    When you have a lot of things that reflect light in your house or office, you will find flashes and glares extremely irritating and painful. The wrong intensity of light can hurt or even blind, including those reflecting or glaring off reflecting surfaces such as mirrors.

Don’t think that just using your eyes is enough to make the best of things, be smart and use the tools that are available to you like lighting design and electrical CAD software.

Stage Lighting Design Software


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Shed Light on the Matter

With the disadvantages of too much light being clear, what about the advantages of having just enough light and where to place them? Knowing where to place them and knowing the right lights to use will have a whole host of advantages that can’t be denied.

  • A Soothing Light
    Having the right level of luminosity can lead to making things easier on the eyes, especially when the color of the walls and the decor match.
  • Under the Spotlight
    You can direct attention to something or away from something by using a spotlight or by hiding something in the dark. People tend to gravitate towards what they can see rather than what they can’t.
  • Bright without Plight
    By placing lights of the right intensity in the right place, you can light up your entire office or home without the problem of hurting the eyes or your wallet. Positioning and the right tool for the right job is key.

When you want to keep everything well lit, you need to know how it would look like should you place the light there without actually placing it there yet. This is where this software comes in and, if you’re interested in it, you may also want to look at our electrical design software list.

Theatre Lighting Design Software Free Trial

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